Diocese Mission
St. Elizabeth Catholic School has a commitment to instill in its students faith, knowledge, morals and discipline that will help them to lead fulfilling lives. We strive to prepare your child for a fulfilling life of love and service to his or her family and community. Our staff and faculty work diligently to maintain a "Christian environment at all times" in our attitudes and actions. We encourage a student's spiritual growth in the following practices and service opportunities:
- Weekly Mass
- Morning Devotional with Prayer
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Praying in the rotunda for Special Needs of Students
- Character Education
Something Beautiful For God
- Weekly collection of food for our church food bank
- “Jeans for Greens” – Each Friday for the Missions
- Collecting food for local animal shelters
- Children’s Christmas gifts for Tutwiler Clinic
- Sharing Bread Project to honor St. Elizabeth of Hungary
- Valentines cards sent to nursing home, shut-ins, hospitalized patients
- Footnotes mailed to loved ones during Lent
“To show great love for God and our neighbor we need not do great things. It is how much we put in the doing that makes our offering something beautiful for God.” – Mother Teresa
Our Mission as Church
We propose to live in such a way that we proclaim the Kingdom of God, the Good News of Jesus Christ, by our own ongoing conversion and by the witness of an authentically Christian life lived according to the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church.
We, the Church of the Diocese of Jackson, believe:
- That Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior, and the Sign of God's compassionate love, gives full means to our lives.
- That faith calls us to live the life of Christ nourished by word and sacrament, liturgy, and prayer.
- That the vision of Jesus Christ for us is contained in his message that the kingdom of God means "justice, peace, and joy that is given by the Holy Spirit."
- That through fidelity to and sharing of the gospel teachings of Jesus and his Church, the grace of the Holy Spirit flows through all of us and we experience being the Church.
- That the gift of faith and love we receive demands that we be signs of God's love for us and instruments of God's love for others as we live our family life, parish life, and civic life.
- That our choices and decisions as individuals and as a community of disciples must foster justice, peace, and joy for all.
- As a pilgrim people committed to becoming an evangelizing people, we pledge ourselves to the development and stewardship of our spiritual, human, physical, and financial resources.