ses scoop


SES Scoop





FIELD DAY- We are watching the weather. If there are any changes, we will let you know.  


THURSDAY MASS- We will have a prayer service in the SES Gym tomorrow at 8:15a.m. Please bring a canned good. 


SIXTH GRADE PROMOTION- May 23rd St. Elizabeth Church @ 6:00 p.m. 

AWARDS DAY & LAST DAY OF SCHOOL- May 24th SES Gym @ 8:30 a.m. Please wear uniforms for 1st-6th grades. Dismissal after awards  

VBS AT ST. ELIZABETH:Registration is now open! June 10-14, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at the school.  Participants and volunteers can register at Help out and receive Family Service Hours.    


FAMILY PORTAL- Please log into your family portal account and make sure your family is up-to-date on any lunch or daycare charges and any bills such as CSW lunch or tardy fees.  ALL ACCOUNTS MUST HAVE A 0 OR POSITIVE BALANCE BY 5-15-24 or students will not be able to receive awards and report cards. 


SPRING PICTURES- Don't forget to order. If you lost your access code, we have the list in the office.  


LIBRARY BOOKS- All library books are due May 20th. 


T-SHIRTS IN MAY- Students may wear T-shirts with uniform bottoms during the month of May. Please remember that REGULAR uniforms (top and bottom) need to be worn for Awards Day on May 24th. 


SERVICE HOURS- Notices have already been sent home if service hours are needed. All families are asked to give 10 hours of service to the school each school year or donate $100.  If you have not served 10 hours this year, there are many upcoming opportunities to volunteer your time.   Upcoming service opportunities: Teacher Goodies, 6th Grade Graduation Reception, Field Day and VBS. Call the church office if you would like to volunteer your time for VBS. 


VIRTUS BULLETINS- Please sign in and complete this month’s training bulletin. Also continue to read your monthly bulletins to stay in compliance with our Protection of Children program. The school will be audited in the next few weeks, and we ask everyone to be up-to-date on bulletins. Thank you for your time! 


YEAR END DATES-Mark your calendar!  
May 17- Field Day @ 9:00 am on school grounds / any changes will be communicated.                                                                   

May 20- Piano Recital is at 4:00 p.m. in McKenna Hall. 

little ways to give BIG  
Download the Box Tops for Education app – Scan your receipts – Earn money for SES!  
Bring a canned food item for the Care Station every Thursday as a Mass offering.