ses scoop


SES Scoop



FREE FRIDAY FOR FEDEX FAMILY HOUSE-  Please see the attached page for pantry and family supplies to benefit the FedEx Family House. If your student sends an item from the list, they can participate in Free Friday this week 9/13.  Students that participate can wear their choice of bottoms and a SES t shirt. Please follow free dress guidelines.  Thank you for your help!  Thank you to the Jones family for inviting us to serve in this way! 


FAITH FORMATION- St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Church Faith Formation classes are tonight for grades 1st – 12th at 5:30 in the school cafeteria. Dinner will be served.  


RCIA- If you are interested in learning more about the catholic church, call the church office for more information.  662-624-4301 


TEAM SHOP-Check your text messages for the link to shop with our SES Team shop. Shop closes on 9/17 at 11:59 p.m. 


BLUE MASS-On September 19th at 8:15 a.m. Mass we will celebrate a Blue Mass in honor of our local First Responders. Please invite any First Responders you know. Donuts and juice will follow Mass in McKenna Hall. 


SES DECALS- If you would like to purchase extra decals, please send $2.00 cash to the school office. Please send the exact amount, we do not have change in the school office.  


TEACHER GOODIES- Please do not forget to sign up to be to supply teacher goodies for the SES staff. The link was sent out recently.  We appreciate our families!  


SCHOOL MASS- We are watching the weather for Mass this week.  If it is raining we will have a prayer service in the gym at 8:15.Parents are always welcome to pray with us.  THERE IS NO FREE DRESS ON THURSDAYS. Please send a canned good and plastic shopping bags for the Care Station as an offering each Thursday.   


CAR NUMBERS- PLEASE MAKE SURE CAR NUMBERS ARE TAPED TO THE PASSSENGER SIDE WINDOW AT THE TOP JUST BELOW THE TINT. The placement of the number helps us move the pick-up line safely and efficiently.  Please notify the office if someone is picking up your child without a car number so we will not have to ask them to wait.  WE WILL NOW ASK A CAR TO MOVE UP AND WAIT DURING PICKUP IF THEY DO NOT HAVE A NUMBER. 

LOST AND FOUND- Two blue hooded sweatshirts.  Visit the office to claim. 




FAIR T SHIRTS: Due to color availability, the Fair T-shirt color will now be Comfort Colors-Chambray. 


TUITION BUSTER TICKETS- Please return your tickets stubs with cash or check made payable to St. Elizabeth. We do not have change in the SES office.  


FAIR $1.00 RAFFLE TICKETS- Please return any unsold and sold tickets to the school office. We are currently out of tickets and need a few raffle books in the school office.  At this time, we are not going to reorder before the Fair. Families have done an amazing job in sales this year!! We are very thankful for your support!  


FAIR TICKET SALES PER CLASSROOM-Reminder from our Fair News 2024-Every family that sells one book of tickets will receive a FREE DRESS DAY for your student on the Friday after the Fair. Classrooms that sell over 1,000 tickets receive a FREE SCHOOL DAY. 


Classroom totals: THANK YOU!!! 

Pre 3 - over 1,000!!!    Pre 4 – 900!!!      Kindergarten - over 1,000!!!!       
First Grade - 350      Second Grade - 400     Third Grade - 1,000!!!     
Fourth Grade - over 1,000!!!!     Fifth Grade - 750   Sixth Grade - 575  


$100 RAFFLE TICKETS- You can purchase a chance at $10,000! Contact the front office.  


SPAGHETTI TICKETS- We also have Spaghetti dinner tickets for sale in the school office. $10 each. 


SILENT AUCTION- If you would like to donate an item or a service, please complete the Silent Auction donation sheet and return to the school office.  You will receive service hours for your donation.  


SWEET SHOPPE & FROZEN CASSEROLE BOOTH-Sign up to send your favorite recipe. Service hours are given for your contribution.  


Save the Date 
SES Fair- Tuesday, September 24th.  We need YOU to make the Fair a success! 


little ways to give BIG 
Download the Box Tops for Education app – Sync with your Walmart App or Scan your receipts – Earn money for SES!  (See the attached flyer!) 
Bring a canned food item for the Care Station every Thursday as a Mass offering! 

St. Elizabeth Catholic School provides a safe and loving environment where all members of our school family become life-long learners and disciples of Christ.