Bulletin Board » SES students to take Accelerated Reading Test from Home!

SES students to take Accelerated Reading Test from Home!

Dear SES students and parents,

With the help and expertise of a very nice technician with Renaissance Learning, we can now take AR tests from home! At the end of this letter, I will give you the instructions for signing in from home. Parents, your children have been doing this at school, so they should know their username and password. If they do not know this, please contact your child's teacher. I do not have access to this information at home. If you have a problem accessing Renaissance Learning from your home computer, please text me (662-645-3289), but not after 8 pm please.

Here are some things to remember:
Make sure that your sign in information is correct. If you get locked out, please let me know so I can fix it.

Make sure that you are taking a test for your chosen book, not the vocabulary test. If you start a vocabulary test, you must finish it, but let me know that this has happened.

Use Arbookfind.com (www.arbookfind.com) to search for the test for your chosen book. Please double check before taking the test to make sure it is the correct test.

There are some “teacher made tests” listed for popular books. Do not use a teacher made test. Find the test that uses the book jacket.

Parents, it is important to share reading experiences with your child, but it is equally important that our students complete their AR quizzes independently so we can monitor their progress and identify any areas of need that we can address
****We are still asking every student to continue to read 15 minutes per day and to continue to keep the reading log. Students in grades 3-6, you are still required to read at least one AR book on your level for the month of April and to take the test on that book no later that April 30.


Go to: https://hosted222.renlearn.com/88851

Select- Accelerated Reader


Sign in with your user name and password
I miss you all, and I pray every day for our SES families and that sooner rather than later, we will be back at SES together. God is God and He is good all the time.

Love, Mrs. Vida